Thursday, February 08, 2007

How to Hear Your Partner

Your sexual relationship, as well as all other aspects of your relationship, depends highly on being able to communicate. The most important part of that is listening. Do you know how to listen to your partner and really hear what they're saying? This is something I know I need to work on so I thought it might be good to do a little research to find some tips and share them with you.

Listening Tips
  • Listening requires both people to pay attention and avoid distractions. This shows your partner that you intend to listen. It also means setting aside your own thoughts and opinions until you have heard what your partner has to say.
  • Listening requires you to hear your partner and sense their feelings. Make sure you understand what they're saying by putting it in your own words: "Do you mean. . .?" "Are you saying. . .?" This helps you know whether you’ve understood what your partner really means and show that you're hearing them.
  • Listening requires you to be open and respect what your partner is saying. You may not agree, but it demonstrates your respect for them.
  • Listening requires a response, not necessarily an answer. Let the other person know you are ready for more listening. " Tell me more about that."
  • Communication is difficult when strong emotions are present. It may be better to wait until you and/or your partner are more calm and able to talk and hear more rationally.

These are just a few tips that you can use to start hearing your partner more and building a better understanding that will help you in your day to day interactions and in the bedroom.

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