Sunday, January 21, 2007

Erotic Zone: Cremaster Muscle

I have always enjoyed caressing and licking the inner thigh of my partners and they've always enjoyed the sensation it causes. I just never knew why it worked. Thanks to my research on Kegel's I discovered the cremaster muscle and the reason for their enjoyment.

The cremaster muscle, which lines the inside of the scrotum and extends into the groin, controls testicular contractions. It works kind of like a bungee cord, pulling the testicles upward in response to cold and releasing them when the temperature changes. Women also have this muscle but it is much different and doesn't seem to respond in the same way.

This muscle also responds to sexual stimulation, causing his balls to contract when he's about to orgasm. The closer a man is to climaxing, the more his testicles recede. If you pull down on his balls when you're in the midst of passion it will delay ejaculation and prolong his pleasure.

How To Do It:
Working against gravity and gently tug on his balls as you're giving him oral. Start by teasing his inner thighs with your tongue going from the top towards the knees. Then, take his penis into your mouth, cup the scrotum with one hand and pull it away from his body.

Start off very gently, and ask your partner to let you know how hard he wants you to pull. Get into a rhythmic pattern, working your hands in tandem with your mouth movements to virtually double the sensation.

Other Suggestions:
If you're looking for a way to tell your partner you're interested in playing, you can slip your hand between his legs and lightly caress his inner thigh with your fingertips going from the top towards the knees. His body will get the picture very quickly and this is something you can do at the movies, dinner (if you're sitting next to each other), in the car or curled up on the couch.


Anonymous said...

This post made me think of something I've heard girls say for years - that you can tell if your boyfriend/husband's been cheating on you if his balls are hanging low rather than tighter/closer to his body. These weren't everyday situations - mostly girls whose boyfriends/husbands were overseas - girls who weren't sleeping with their men for any particular reason, etc. and so forth. Do you know anything about this?

Nancy said...

From my reading about this muscle, it is primarily temperature control feature. If you're hot the muscle relaxes and lets the balls drop away from the body to cool and if you're cold it brings them in closer. If anything, the balls recede, or move closer to the body, when guys are stimulated or close to orgasm which is why tugging on them gently works to heighten their reaction. Nothing I read indicated that after orgasm the muscle would loosen and hang lower. If their guy is in the desert then it is highly likely that the balls are hanging lower because of the temperature control thing.